casual sex in St. Louis

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Sexy mama

I’m an escort a very casual, discreet escort. I like to provide everybody with a little bit of not just hospitality, but if they need to be discreet, I like to do that for them and help them with that. I’m fine while sexy crazy and I am hell of a ride in bed. You’ll be screaming for more baby. I like to tease kiss and please now my full hours are 300 minimum not including tip not including a long drive same thing goes for my 200 minimum half hour let’s face it the full hours the better deal. I usually leave with 400 at least because people are good about tipping. Definitely my clients that know me Which I hope here soon you also will be a client. I see often hit me up call or text I prefer out call after 7 PM. I can do a little in call from 1 to 5 during the weekdays here and there. Please feel free to hit up my only fans blueeyes_1993 candy if you subscribe, I’ll give you a surprise!!!

31 years old St. Louis

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